Three Months Old!!! These have been the best three months of my life. I am so thankful to have Asher here and to have him as my son. He has been such a blessing to Lex and I, he's amazing. It is so much fun to watch him continue to develop. When we talk he will find our faces and stares at us, usually with a smile. Seeing that smile every day is amazing. He likes to play with his feet (when he finds them) and he LOVES looking at all the different colors and shapes of this blanket. Thank you Aunt Jasmine ;) He is able to hold his head up for the most part but he is still working on holding up his upper body. He loves to wake up early in the morning and when he sees that Lex and I are awake he gets this big smile on his smile and let's out a scream. He is talking like crazy, well baby talk, it is funny to listen to him. He is a baby that likes movement, if you're not moving he will let you know he is not happy and the minute you stand up silence (that's our fault we never put him down). He is absolutely everything we could have ever wanted and more!
I love the picture of him with his eyes open super big! Love this baby boy :) I'm glad he likes his blanket!